
 Better leaders. Better decisions. Better results.

Vistage is the world’s largest CEO coaching and peer advisory organization for small and midsize business leaders. We offer the most effective approach to achieve better results, grow your company faster, and maximize your impact as a leader. 

For more than 60 years, Vistage has helped CEOs, business owners, and key executives reach new levels of success. Vistage CEO peer groups are specific to your business. We match you with a group tailored to your industry, challenges, and goals to receive advice from seasoned CEOs who are passionate about sharing their expertise.

“Our method works. On average, leaders who are Vistage members grow their companies 2.2X faster than their industry competitors…in up and down markets.”

What is a Vistage Peer Advisory Group?

Your Vistage group gives you the perspective you need to make better decisions.

A Vistage peer advisory group is made up of 12-16 other CEOs or local business owners. It’s like having a confidential, private advisory board to troubleshoot problems, vet ideas, and identify blind spots.

The local business leaders who make up the peer advisory group are always from non-competing industries and have no agenda but to help each other succeed.

The Vistage Group Experience

CEOs, business owners, and high-level executives have a lot of people offering advice, from their board of directors to spouses. Others have key colleagues or even a mentor with whom they can troubleshoot … but very few business leaders have a consistent, structured forum for unbiased feedback. Very few have a confidential environment to work out concerns and plans, challenges, and opportunities. They want guidance they can trust from people they respect.

Executives who have been carrying the burden of having to know all of the answers can finally let their guard down. They can put any issue on the table for their peers to tackle with them. No topic is off-limits. If you are willing to talk candidly about the decisions you face, fellow members will rally around you, listen, ask tough questions, and bring to bear every resource they have to help you grow as a leader and improve your business.

More than 45,000 members across the globe count on their Vistage peer advisory group to help them make better decisions, be better leaders, and get better results.

Vistage Member Story: Ed Campbell, CEO of Rose Paving

When Rose Paving CEO Ed Campbell joined Vistage in 2008, his company was local with about $20M in annual revenue— and Campbell was constantly dragged into the details of the business, wearing different hats and working long hours. Without Vistage, he says, “I’d still be stuck.” Today Rose Paving is at $250M+ in annual revenue with 400 employees across the U.S. Campbell says that with Vistage he’s able to work on growing the business instead of constantly getting caught up in it. He has a group of trusted peers to vet his ideas and a confidential, productive forum to work out issues. He also has a CEO mentor “who knows everything about my family, my business, and career goals —and who really wants our success.” He says, “As a CEO, your best day is having everyone in the right place at the right time running at 110%. While it might not happen every day, that should be your goal and Vistage can help.”