Birkman Method: reliability and validity

The Birkman Method is a trait-based test that can measure the amount or intensity of certain personality traits. Birkman offers personalized insight, including the unpacking of a person’s unique strengths, and allows comparisons on the intensity of a trait from one person to another. The Birkman Method also provides insights on the underlying stress factors and needs of each individual, making it clear what you need to be happy, healthy, and successful. But you may be wondering how accurate, valid, and trustworthy is the Birkman Method?

Statistical Soundness

Reliability and validity are incredibly important to the reputation of any personality assessment. The Birkman Method evaluates one’s personality, occupational interests, and social perceptions, and is used by many people to guide their decisions in their personal and professional lives. Thus, being accurate is essential.

Birkman takes the reliability and validity of their assessments very seriously and recognize the impact their assessments can have on people. That’s why in April to May of 2018, Birkman enlisted a third-party research firm to confirm the assessment’s validity. The firm gathered a sample that resembled the USA workforce who were willing to take the assessment twice. 583 respondents were sent the Birkman assessment. Of the 583, 422 respondents completed the questionnaire once and 414 completely the questionnaire a second time, 15 days later. Across all test areas of the Birkman scales, the results indicated ongoing scientific validity and reliability.


When an assessment truly measures what it says it measures, it is considered valid. Birkman is constantly improving their assessments to provide deeper insights and express results in an easily accessible, and memorable, format. All reports and scales developed by Birkman are rigorously tested across large samples to confirm their reliability and validity. Birkman tests for several different types of validity including face validity, content validity, construct-convergent validity, and criterion-related validity.


Birkman, along with research collaborators, publishes their research findings in reputable peer-reviewed journals and white papers. The Birkman team has also spoken at prominent industry conferences to present Birkman research, including the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Working with academia, Birkman continues to develop new assessments and improve existing ones. They also publish workplace research findings, which may range from recruitment to retirement.

Birkman’s research and development department is well-respected by peers in the psychology and behavioral assessment fields, as well as by users of the Birkman Method. For more information on Birkman’s research and publications, visit

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